For the time being Mark James has stepped down, leaving his colleagues to man the ship (you know what they say about sinking ships). Was the delivery of a rat to county hall some strange secret society ritual warning of impending doom? Are we seeing the birth of the new Glyndwr or is this a storm in the West, which will fade when the rozzers have played their part in the theatrical production of The Ditherer of Jail Hill. It is welcome news whatever and of course the public deserve to know the truth. All this could have been avoided if they had done the decent thing in the first place or the more sensible and decent thing of not doing it in the first place if you catch me lifeboat. One thing for sure is that none of the scurvy crew manning the wreck of HM Madge will be holding their hands out for fear of the black spot or as Cneifwr puts it, the brown envelope. I smell MUTINY and more theatre before this storm quells to a light sowesterly. ARRGH and bad eggs. SIGN ERE SHIPMATES
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