The truth is by ere. Now the ratings for A Farce At Jail Hill went through the roof today. Latest figures show the apathetic community of Carmarthenshire topped an all time high of 3 viewing the latest episode. A BAFTA or BFKUTA is in order me thinks. Western Power had to crank up the emergency generators to coincide with the the climax, which was the main speech when almost every resident in Carmarthenshire simultaneously switched on the radio for the Jeremy Vine Show whilst turning down the volume on what appeared to be a drunken man slurring some form of apology about his mates taking bundles of cash from the poor. (This is a TV show I am satirising M'Lord and I make no reference to anyone living or dead)That gets the threat of legal action out of the way. So I resuscitate my wife who by now has collapsed in exhaustion having thrown everything in the kitchen at the screen hoping it would have some voodoo like effect on the gorgons on the screen. It didn't, they just got worse and some rather rude and ignorant bald guy kept giving the villains chances whilst telling the good guys to shut up. So in desperation I flick through the channels and find some programme in Italian talking about some people in Carmarthenshire of all places who like the Farce At Jail Hill are having some sort of problems. Well Mam Fach, it was spooky. Gwyn Toploader (his dad was a washing machine salesman) was badgering these old codgers round the town and down alleyways (cue THE PERSUADERS music). Well, I was riveted it was dead exciting. Flash cars going fast, the arse of some bloke sticking out the back and loads of swigging coffee in posh cafs in CARMARTHEN, who's have banked on that eh? Owain Glyndwr made an appearance talking about crime and punishment but the upshot was that nobody could do nufink and the law sucks. What a week, no a month, no a year it has been. I luvs livin ere in Carmarthenshire. Great Italian programme here
Parlo Italiano
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