Avast me hearties and roger the cat for that be his name. If ye thinks it is bad on the isle of Carms don't ye be going West to the Isle o Pembs. A rough lot of cut throats they be for sure. There be talk of brown envelopes bein passed in car parks forcin good pirates to walk the plank. Just as they was all walkin the plank bound for Davy Jones' locker the brown envelopes was passed to the scurvy dogs too. But it seems like the big kahuna has lived to tell another tale. It seems like the people of these ere islands has just given up. No fight left in em. this be the land of the folks what fought off the French too. Is there hope me handsomes? Only the good people of Pembs can answer that. They has a choice. They can storm the place or wait til everything they owns is taken away from em.
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