Well, Mam fach, it's all appening in Carmarthenshire. Unlawfulness at County Hall, whatever next and them good chapel folk too. A stripper bein booed off by the women of PontyPandy. Who needs a script writer? Now I find the beloved Carmarthen Journal as been acked by some kitchen appliance firm. Community News is full of ovens, granite tops and drawers, ooer Mrs, sound like another plot from the Welsh soaps to me it does and I loves it. Good to see a PontyPandy boy doin so well in Pobol y Cwm too it is. My website "Crooks in the Cowsil' site as been busy too with people toutin they wares on ere sellin they pals what plays music they are. Galavantin tommorow I is, back down to Saintly Clears, well I loves a bit of the costa del posh me innit. They as toilet roll in the conveniences there they do, honest. I might stop off at county all to have a nose at proceedins and lob a tomato from the gallery. What a rotten bunch they is and they as the cheek to take our spondoolees, well I never, well I did. Been cold ere in PontyPandy too it as, avin to wear mrs. Dai Farmer's tights. Mind you, I ave a lovely set of legs, even got a whistle from the neighbour today when I was peggin out. Don't worry, I means the clothes like innit. Still life in the old bugger yet. TARA!
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