WATCH MR. BLUE SKY What a difference a day makes eh? After the storm in a teacup with paper doilies and powder puffs at dawn we have a beautiful blue sky day. All we need now is the snow for purity (no not that sort) and to bring Carmarthenshire to a close. the skis and brandy flask have been in the attic for some time but having seen suchi I am inspired to get on the piste again. I have a pass for all the slopes of Ponty Pandy so let it snow. So what happens now? Do they all kiss and make up or will they be at it again no sooner than the bullshi** has been shovelled of the floor of the main chamber. I guess they could always spread it on that rugby pitch at Pontyberem they featured in It's A Wonderful Life. It seems that the message from SuperJono is that the voters (YES US) will make their true feelings known at the ballot box in the next elections. I very much doubt that the apathy that has persisted for so many years will change. My guess is that you could put a monkey up for election in every Labour ward and the monkey would be voted in (WHAT, They Have Been!). Well the shark pool is very small so we were told. I am looking forward to seeing the write ups in local press, which will undoubtedly ignore all the relevant questions, which should have been put to Dame Edna and her followers.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Plaid Cymru V Labour
A Rival Show To A Farce At Jail Hill
BANG TO RIGHTS or not as the case may be.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Pembrokeshire Pirates Outgunned

Rhodri Glyndwr Triumphant

Thursday, 13 February 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
I knows its Valentines Day soon and we is livin in an age of tolerance innit. I espect they as a table at that posh Scarlets place what was the docks. Used to go spikin for mullet there I did with my Tadcu. Whas Jono smilin about tho? Ooh, I know, he as been voted Mr Febu....Febrewe....Febmix of 2014 by the lovely ladees of PontyPandy what was dissapointed with the stripper lookin like a chicken from that American food chain. Well its gonna be an interestin day tomorro and I will ave my state of teh art Amstrad computer runnin with the webcast on the old valve radio. Couple of shants and a curry and job done. Who is you supportin?
Carmarthen Stripped Bare and Butt Naked
Well, Mam fach, it's all appening in Carmarthenshire. Unlawfulness at County Hall, whatever next and them good chapel folk too. A stripper bein booed off by the women of PontyPandy. Who needs a script writer? Now I find the beloved Carmarthen Journal as been acked by some kitchen appliance firm. Community News is full of ovens, granite tops and drawers, ooer Mrs, sound like another plot from the Welsh soaps to me it does and I loves it. Good to see a PontyPandy boy doin so well in Pobol y Cwm too it is. My website "Crooks in the Cowsil' site as been busy too with people toutin they wares on ere sellin they pals what plays music they are. Galavantin tommorow I is, back down to Saintly Clears, well I loves a bit of the costa del posh me innit. They as toilet roll in the conveniences there they do, honest. I might stop off at county all to have a nose at proceedins and lob a tomato from the gallery. What a rotten bunch they is and they as the cheek to take our spondoolees, well I never, well I did. Been cold ere in PontyPandy too it as, avin to wear mrs. Dai Farmer's tights. Mind you, I ave a lovely set of legs, even got a whistle from the neighbour today when I was peggin out. Don't worry, I means the clothes like innit. Still life in the old bugger yet. TARA!
Saturday, 8 February 2014
It seems that it may not be long before councils have to allow filming at town halls. There are also hints that the council's FREE papers may be more closely regulated to prevent unfair competition with newspapers and to prevent self interest groups and partisan political campaigning.
The Free publication by CCC tends to advertise specific businesses, which the council have helped financially. Surely it is our money paying for it so why don't we get the same opportunity? The paper reads like the academy awards of Croneywood. It is hard to find anyone who tells you anything other than the magazine is thrown straight in the bin.
England seem to be leading the way again and no doubt Mr Pickles has had a hand in this. Here we have to settle for slightly less than Mr. Pickles but more of a Mr. Picalilly (never liked the stuff).
Council's May Have to Allow Filming - BUT NOT IN WALES
The Free publication by CCC tends to advertise specific businesses, which the council have helped financially. Surely it is our money paying for it so why don't we get the same opportunity? The paper reads like the academy awards of Croneywood. It is hard to find anyone who tells you anything other than the magazine is thrown straight in the bin.
England seem to be leading the way again and no doubt Mr Pickles has had a hand in this. Here we have to settle for slightly less than Mr. Pickles but more of a Mr. Picalilly (never liked the stuff).
Council's May Have to Allow Filming - BUT NOT IN WALES
Pasta or Crepes?
It wasn't all bad eh? The BBC did at least make a tokenistic effort to show the ladies rugby at half time. In Inverdale's absence there was a little less hurrah England during the games but if you listened to commentary of Sport Live AM Radio, yes, the crackly one, you would have heard the bias from the sasanach's and the Scots. Gavin Hastings gave Scotland a right mouthful. I am so glad I stayed in and made a curry. At least we have some flare to look forward to tomorrow. I have pals in Italy and France so I am torn. Depends if we opt for crepes or pasta for lunch to get us in the mood. France usually get my support being an avid Francophille. So we have a long wait now for the next one and I am sure Gats will be calling in that well known singer Plan B as all through the match the commentators said he didn't have Plan B. Not sure what difference a singer will make but you never know.
Friday, 7 February 2014
Llongyfarchiadau Keith Davies
Keith Davies has stepped up to the mark and called for a suspension of the Chief Executive. He is one of a number of prominent politicians calling for Mark James to be suspended. The press releases from CCC fail to discriminate between those councillors making strong objections and those agreeing with the council leader's responses. It is extremely confusing and probably upsetting for those councillors who are rapidly distancing themselves from the complete chaos, which appears to have taken hold at CCC. Far from fading out, this storm is set to continue. You can fool some of the people of Carmarthenshire all of the time, and all of the people of Carmarthenshire some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people of Carmarthenshire all of the time.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Whilst it is encouraging to hear that Plaid have had their meeting and called for a vote of no confidence one must remember that every single councillor man to a woman voted and approved the unlawful payments in the first place. For many years now this authority appears to have been operating with the tail wagging the dog. Each councillor has a duty and is paid to represent their electorate not to form little clubs and pursue their political bent. YOU REPRESENT THE PEOPLE. If you can't do that then step aside and allow people who can to do so. Below is the outcome of Plaid's meeting. Could have told them that without a meeting.
“The serious and damaging findings of the Wales Audit Office reports required swift action. It is not the job of councillors or the council’s leadership to challenge and undermine the integrity of the independent Audit Office – these reports should be accepted and their recommendations implemented.
“The serious and damaging findings of the Wales Audit Office reports required swift action. It is not the job of councillors or the council’s leadership to challenge and undermine the integrity of the independent Audit Office – these reports should be accepted and their recommendations implemented.
Monday, 3 February 2014
My sincere apologies. It seems that all the people who have read the auditor's report have got it wrong and the facts will be released a month after this terrible mistake. Apparently the facts have been hiding in the knicker drawer of Mrs Jones, no15 Spillman Street.
The Journal was on hand to capture the moment (goodness knows what that reporter was doing there at that time of night) and interview Mrs. Jones (photo) who said "I was going for the fluffy thong see for Mr. Jones oh he does love it, and there beneath the rampant rabbit was the facts. No mistaking it, they were the facts, by there. So I grabbed them and ran down the road to county hall, I have a back door entry there see. So I handed them in and they were relieved. Well one of them was, couldn't manage two not after Mr Jones see. Like a bull he is."
So there we are. We can all sleep soundly (or whatever you do) in our beds and all is well with the weird world of Carmarthenshire. As for that Welsh Auditor Bloke, well he won't work again for sure.
Nos Da Cariads.
Mrs. Jones (who wished to remain anonymous)
The Journal was on hand to capture the moment (goodness knows what that reporter was doing there at that time of night) and interview Mrs. Jones (photo) who said "I was going for the fluffy thong see for Mr. Jones oh he does love it, and there beneath the rampant rabbit was the facts. No mistaking it, they were the facts, by there. So I grabbed them and ran down the road to county hall, I have a back door entry there see. So I handed them in and they were relieved. Well one of them was, couldn't manage two not after Mr Jones see. Like a bull he is."
So there we are. We can all sleep soundly (or whatever you do) in our beds and all is well with the weird world of Carmarthenshire. As for that Welsh Auditor Bloke, well he won't work again for sure.
Nos Da Cariads.
Mrs. Jones (who wished to remain anonymous)
May I remind the apparently memory challenged folks at Jail Hill of THE FACTS
Assistant auditor general Anthony Barrett said: "Carmarthenshire council has acted unlawfully on two fundamental issues, both of which the public need to be fully aware of.
"The authority has taken decisions and used taxpayers money in areas that they do not have the legal powers to do so."
Is it beyond your intelligence to realise that the people of Carmarthenshire have absolutely no trust in you and no respect for you as being able to lead the council any longer. What don't you understand?
Madge's latest states
"Evidence relating to the two issues is being shared with all county councillors in advance of the matter going before council. This includes advice from QCs and previous communication with the Wales Audit Office."
AHEM! Am I missing something here? The deed is done. GUILTY M'Lord! Two unlawful acts as judged by the Wales Audit Office. The tone of his protestations is that all will be explained and all is well it is just that he couldn't say anything while they were being investigated.
HOW does that change anything? The judgement is a judgement. THAT is what the public want to get to the bottom of. The statement is surely a joke but we are not in April yet.
The lunatics appear to really have taken over the asylum. Here Madge states "“I hope people can bear with us for just a short time now, I can assure them of a frank, open and honest discussion regarding these issues which I accept have caused public concern.
“I hope that people will not make their minds up about these matters prior to being in full possession of all the facts.”
Surely the point is that apparently nobody trusts you anymore AND the very reason they don't is because of your apparent insistence that you have done nothing wrong and that the facts have apparently been conveniently ignored. How long can this theatre go on before PC Plod comes in and coshes the lot of them with the heavy handed tactics they apparently doled out on Jacqui Thompson for merely filming THE FACTS!
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