
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

New Newspaper for Llanelli and Carmarthenshire

When the people we elect to represent us are either silenced or choose to remain silent on issues, which affect our livelihoods, our environment, our education, our children, elderly, sick and disabled we have entered into an era of dictatorship akin to a fascist state to be envied by those we always believed to be the dictators but whose people rejected the regime meeting it head on and giving their lives for democracy. Comment on a blog regarding The Llanelli Herald and The Carmarthenshire Herald "The paper really is doing a good job in letting in the sunlight. I think also the poor old journal is now waking up to the fact that they can be more than an organ simply to churn out press releases. Not only does the Herald appear to be fearless it is also a bloody good read and well worth 50p. I'm not connected to the paper I promise - it's just so refreshing to read a paper that can be critical of the council when required."

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