
Friday, 19 July 2013

Peace and Love

Scorching hot. No escape unless you go to the beach or dive in the paddling pool. Not complaining as this is one of the best summers for a long time so it seems. Taking lots of walks and actually losing a few pounds. We are still plodding on with the radio broadcasts in the hope that someone tunes in. Our main audience seems to be across the pond or else in Australia. The websites have been scaled down following the move and I am sure they are missed by many but celebrated by the hating few. I take comfort in knowing that they still read this stuff and their stomaches churn. Strange what envy does to people eh? We are still active with which translates as World Wide Welsh Community. It is akin to the sister or brother site of Americymru, which is run by Ceri Shaw over there in Oregon. We have started the West Wales Archies Facebook page It seemed to make sense to place all our archives there to share with the public. Many more irons in the fire, which we hope will come to fruition by the end of the year. Many thanks for your continued support in all of our ventures. As always to the haters we say Peace and Love!