
Sunday, 7 April 2013


With almost 100,000 children homeless in the U.K. today we have to give thanks for a roof over our head, food in our stomaches and the people around us to help and care. The statistic may not move some or shock but it is an absolute outrage. The media and the Government have jumped on the Derby case and demonised the poor yet again. The middle classes and wanabee upper classes are being whipped into a frenzy of fear and loathing of the poor. Meanwhile the TV execs and newspaper journalist allow the parasites and criminals to get away with more and more choosing to ignore the real stories of corruption and greed. 

 It is a world we see changing and one familiar to the likes of Charles Dickens. It is no coincidence that the largest pockets of poverty in England are in the familiar location of Limehouse and Poplar. Of course the media scoff at this or they wheel out someone to analyse some statistics but never the real people.
You see we have just taken his parent's home away and Nick is working out how many more homes on the street can be flattened to make way for a wind farm. That is what we need in the U.K.