West Wales Times - News, Events, Business and Culture in and around West Wales
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Whadda you know pardners. No sooner is we settled in to our new life on the prairie Sandy water park that that there possy shows up. They served us with sommit called cowsiltax. darn nappit, looks like to me it is some sort of ransom demand. Has the sheriffs mark on it too. Now i'm a peaceable man but when I gets a note like this I wanna say.
Those cotton pickin varmints is spending my hard robbed loot on fancy cars and loose wimin. I aint gonna pay them a dime. Why you can't get a place to park yer wagon before some outlaw puts a chain on them there wheels. No sireee, the roads in these here parts is like the moonscape. I rekon we should all storm the place and give them there chicken thieves a lesson o three in how to treat kinfolk.
Now me an my perdy li'l lady is celebratin our 17th I say 17th year o marriage. What that woman has seen would make the hair curl on Richard O' Brien's perdy head. Hey, it's my birthday too so we'll be havin a ho down in the barn. For all you folks wishin us well we wanna thank you and say.