
Monday, 18 November 2013

New Photographic Book On Laugharne

New Photographic Book On Laugharne

Some lovely images of Laugharne. Makes a lovely Christmas present. 

Friday, 15 November 2013

Bear On The Loose

Not every day you see a bear walking up your road. 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Dishwasher Tantric Yoga

Just spent most of the evening taking apart a dishwasher and putting it back together again. WHY? Because it wasn't working. Ah, did you fix it I hear you ask. NO! It needs a new part. A word to the wise. Don't take a dishwasher apart unless you have the body of a Yogi (not the bear). Ordering a part is easy yes? NO! you have to supply every serial number known to whatever you pray to and even then, it is not likely the part exists anymore. Bring back the manufacturing industry in the U.K. You must be joking. It is quicker for me to send to China for the part and have it sent courier within three days. All I need to do now is some yoga exercises to get into those dishwasher repairman positions. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Archives As Stock Images

After a number of years working on the archives of Stanley Phillips and W D Evans we have started to place them online to view and purchase as stock images. This will make them available for many people searching for their family history but also for use in publications and on TV programmes. We have already supplied a number of media outlets with images for use on TV and in books. If you would like to view one of the collections CLICK HERE

RHYDAMMAN The New Kensington

Just back in from a trip to Ammanford. Called in to have Welsh Rarebit as usual in Jenkins Cafe. This time it was loverly (pic to follow). So many independent shops in Ammanford now. Very chic indeed. They were also putting up Christmas decorations. We managed to get a tree and loads of very old fashioned decorations for under £10. Popped in to the brick a brack shop and almost bought a hobby horse. There was an old Raleigh bike in there that must have been BBC issue at some point as BBC was stamped all over it. What a beauty, all chrome and racing green paint topped off with a Brookes saddle. They don't make em like that anymore. Visited the traditional butchers and got a load of home reared meat of sorts for under £10. Seems like the going price in Ammanford. I would recommend a shopping visit here for any self respecting shopaholic. A must visit is the old arcade with rows of indie shops. Album to follow. RHYDAMMANit is boys. PHOTO ALBUM HERE Ammanford In Pictures