
Friday, 11 October 2013

Council Cuts Must Go Deeper

Reading the Journal this week and Madge states that hundreds of jobs must go. I do hope they start from the top down or is that too radical? It will ultimately be the people who work so hard in our communities working with the elderly, children, the youth and the sick. Can it be right in 2013 that so many councillors get so much money when the people they represent are losing their jobs and possibly their homes? There should be a proportionate axing of councillors. Let's be fair. Why do we need them in the first place? We pay enough taxes for the criminals in government. The people of Carmarthenshire have a choice and they have some power especially at the local elections. A sure way to register your discontent is not to vote for the councillor who has had it good for so long but to put forward someone from your community willing to do the job for half the cost IF the other half is given over to keeping some of these wonderful people who really serve our communities in employment. It can be done in every corner of Carmarthenshire. It just takes the will of the people rather than being dominated by a few cronies who have got away with murder for far too long. The people of Carmarthenshire can make a difference. COFIO!

Richard Gerver In Carmarthenshire

One of the World's leading educational reformers is paying a visit to Carmarthenshire next month. Richard Gerver is well respected and outspoken on education in the U.K. He is in demand and tours the world giving public talks. We are fortunate enough to have Richard attending Montessori Centre Wales on the 4th of November. You can book online at The day begins at and there is a buffet lunch with an opportunity to meet Richard and ask questions.